I'm not sure how over a month has gone by and I haven't logged onto this account. Oh, wait, I know, freaking three jobs. Yeah, that's it
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Just did epic road trip with sneaky_sena and tanisafan that involved three Panic shows and three states. In a week. So, I'm a wee bit on this side of exhausted and cannot properly recap at the moment. But here are some highlights
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So, went to San Diego with sneaky_sena for the Panic concert and we accosted tanisafan who was then accosted by nunshavingfun and clockstopper and then we all proceeded to accost each other until 230 in the morning. Because that's how we roll.
Re: My subject line, I'm seriously even considering starting up a paypal account, and whoring myself over the internet. I think it's because I have the skin-crawly-ants-in-the-pants need for change. Change that apparently involves pain. What
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So, sneaky_sena is totally my roommate and bff, and beta most of the time. In that, you know, being that I can generally throw things at her from where my computer is, she's sort of obligated to help me
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Hey, you know what would make writing stories so much faster? If I could pick a tense. And I don't just mean, pick a tense for a paragraph, I mean, within the sentence. Yeah, that would help.
Apparently I have tense schizophrenia or something.